Tuesday, August 08, 2006

There ain't no reins on this one.

Holy Katz!

It's no wonder we're winning the War on Terror. The US military/industrial complex is just a boiling cauldron of great ideas. Remember the “Love Bomb”? No, not the recruiting technique used by the Unification Church. This “love bomb” was a plan hatched back in '94 at the Air Force Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio, a chemical aphrodisiac designed to incite widespread homosexual behavior among enemy troops.

The thinking (and is this midwestern or what?) was that rampant gay lust would be fatal to morale. Silly, silly men! Haven't they heard about male bonding?? They already fight for each other.

Another bright idea, rumored to have been around since WWII, was the “”Who Me?“ bomb which simulated flatulence among enemy ranks. Clearly this was a plan ahead of its time, a plan that required a president with the gravitas to implement it. Meanwhile, researchers decided that too many people around the (third) world do not find fecal odor offensive because they are so acccustomed to it.

Hmm. We all know who think theirs don't stink.


Blogger Doohdle said...

Typical government. Another way to waste money.

"The 1994 plans were for a six-year project costing $7.5m, but they were never pursued."

5:02 PM  
Blogger Tipitina said...

I can see Halliburton all over this one.

Did anyone else see the "Myth Busters" episode where they were trying to get to the bottom of the "brown noise"? The urban legend was that during WWII, the military found a sound low on the spectrum which was not perceptible to the human ear yet would make anyone who was in the presence of it, uh, evacuate.

After building the world's biggest speaker system and donning a double layer of Depends, the Myth Busters declared the myth busted.

Then again, if Halliburton got hold of it...

9:26 PM  
Blogger RayPod said...


6:33 PM  

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